Our mission is to change the game.



To create meaningful change within the lives of students through a series of youth enrichment programs that promote consciousness, dignity, perseverance, and self-confidence.



Our programs serve Twin Cities youth ages 10-18 experiencing a lack of opportunity or resources, with a focus on Black, Indigenous, and Communities of Color(Culture).




By expanding horizons and engaging with new places and new people.


By pushing players to new heights and encouraging risk-taking.


By building a support network of peers, mentors, and professionals.


By instilling a motivation for athletic and academic greatness.



The game of golf is a worthy metaphor for life. It naturally demands patience, focus, and dedication. It quickly reveals one's personality: showing their level of honesty, respect, cordiality, admiration for others. Rather than high speed and impact, golf is slow, methodical, and conversational. A game of both beauty and skill.

The SHSGA seeks to give young people who otherwise would not realize golf is an option, the access, resources, and opportunity to get outside, understand and appreciate the game, and learn first hand how its inherent lessons and opportunities transcend across all aspects of life in a fun and impactful environment supported by encouraging mentors and coaches.


In addition to his significant efforts to change the game itself, Solomon Hughes Sr. was a true master of his craft both literally in making his own clubs, and figuratively in that practice was inherently embedded in his daily routine. He was gracious in victory or defeat, never brought his disappointments home, and instilled a will to work and a will to win in those around him whether those efforts were harnessed towards golf or in pursuit down a different path. 

The SHSGA is founded on these principles. We are not a golf-only academy but rather it utilizes golf as a vehicle to take students to the places they want to go in life. Places that otherwise may not have been on the map before. Whether golf related or not, we encourage students to lay a foundation for success in getting to these places in life.