SHSGA Circle of Champions

Built to provide individual supporters with an opportunity to give on a level and from a perspective that highlights their personal passion and capacity.


The Circle of Champions is a layered network of local and national professionals, thought leaders, and community members that wish to create meaningful change for students on and off the course. Opportunities for contribution cover three categories: Time, Talent, and Treasure.


Fellowship Team Rounds “Fourth”

Community Events Volunteer

Designed for trusted members of the community looking to give of their time to support the mission, vision, and values of the SHSGA. This volunteer commitment could be for supporting Community or Fellowship Team programming and requires no training or skill-set outside of a background check.

These individuals are incentivized by a simple desire to be a part of building something special and have the opportunity to work directly with students and staff to create a positive impact.


Fellowship Guest Speaker Session

Fellowship Site Visit Host

Designed for individuals who would like to share their natural talents and gifts to support the mission, vision and values of the SHSGA.

These individuals could include teachers, coaches, consultants, speakers, mentors, and anyone else who has a specialized talent to offer. Talent can be utilized to deliver content, curriculum, coaching, and/or workshops during Fellowship Team practice and play sessions.


Equipment Donations

Scholarship Dontations

Hosted Rounds Donations

Designed for individuals looking to support the mission, vision and values of the SHSGA through their financial resources.

Donations would be tax deductible gifts that could be earmarked by request and used for a specific purpose or given for the overarching support of the organization.


In addition to launching our Fellowship Team and Community Programs this year, we are also on a mission to gather the SHSGA Circle of Champions.

If you would be willing to contribute in any of these categories (Time, Talent, Treasure) please apply by clicking the link below and email with any questions. Thank you very much for your interest in supporting the SHSGA and we can't wait to see it come to life.



If you would like to learn more about the Circle of Champions or have additional questions, please fill out the form below or email us at