SHSGA Fellowship Student Spotlight: Robin Engman Phiri

My name is Robin Engman Phiri, a 10th grader at Como Park High School in St. Paul, MN. I'm writing this letter to share something that has completely changed my life - the incredible youth golf program, Solomon Hughes Sr. Golf Academy.

I currently participate in the SHSGA Fellowship Team, and this is my second year in the program. Being a Fellow has exposed me to places and opportunities I probably wouldn’t have discovered on my own. It has opened doors and introduced me to people I never thought I'd meet in my life. – I have always been really interested in psychology, and as a Fellow I got to meet a sports psychologist. Experiences like the ones I’ve had will stay with me throughout my entire life.

The people I've met, the activities, and the training sessions have been unbeatable. SHSGA isn’t an ordinary youth program; it's an extraordinary journey that I know every student would treasure. It also shines a bright light on golf, showing it in the positive and exciting way it truly deserves.

But you know what makes this experience truly exceptional? It's the people. Not just the incredible team I've had the pleasure of growing closer to, but also the individuals we've met on the golf course. Pros and mentors like Brent Snyder and Roger Steele inspire me off and on the course. And Ellen Kuenster,a college advisor, has been an incredible resource for us. The university players were incredibly supportive, and I even had an international player validate my approach to not overthinking when I'm swinging!

When it comes to learning and improving my golf skills, this program has taken me all the way. I've met trainers and coaches who've dedicated their entire lives to golf, and their guidance has transformed my game beyond belief. It's mind-boggling, and I can't believe how far I've come since the beginning.

Before this program, I didn't think much about college, and scholarships were something I barely understood. But now, thanks to the connections I've made, I see that college is a tremendous opportunity, and scholarships are the keys to unlocking it. I know now that I could even get a full ride or have my education expenses covered – it's seriously life-changing. Through this program, I learned about and now participate in the Evans Scholars program. This will give me an opportunity to gain a full ride scholarship to The University of Minnesota. This program opened my eyes to all these possibilities, and made me want to be better prepared for my senior year.

The fellowship team has not only improved my golf game but also my life skills. On the golf course, I think more strategically about each shot and its impact. In life, I've learned the importance of self-confidence, decision-making, using my strengths and networking. Building strong relationships and keeping those connections close is everything. To positively impact my community these relationships are everything, and these connections can open doors to countless opportunities in my future.

So, I'm reaching out to you hoping you will help make these experiences available for other kids like me. Your gift to SHSGA will help provide access to these life-changing experiences. When you make a contribution, you’re  giving the gift of growth, learning, and unforgettable memories. Will you join me in making a difference? Your support would mean the world to me!

Robin Engman Phiri